+92 51 9563105

Your Call Center Service Partner!
Revolutionize Your Customer Experience with us

We are the unique set-up, that is ready to challenge. Knock out such a global problem of Call Center services


Check our Services

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Our CRM Call Center Services empower your business with seamless customer relationship management.

Inbound and outbound services

Our Inbound Call Center Services offer seamless and customer-centric solutions to meet all your support needs.

Training and consulting for call center setup

At Call Center Solutions, we are dedicated to empowering your call center for success.


Your Trusted Call Center Partner

Welcome to Allianz Call Center! We take pride in being your trusted partner for all your customer service needs. With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals, we strive to deliver unparalleled service to both our clients and their customers.

At Allianz Call Center, we are a team of passionate individuals committed to excellence in customer support. Our mission is to bridge the gap between businesses and their customers, ensuring seamless communication and unparalleled satisfaction.

More Details +92 51 2726876


Ceo & Founder

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Store Owner

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Happy Clients


Hours Of Support

Our Mission!

At Allianz Call Center, our mission is to revolutionize the customer service experience by empowering businesses with seamless and exceptional support solutions.

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Contact Us

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Our Address

Office # 614, 6th Floor, Islamabad Stock Exchange Building, Jinnah Avenue Islamabad, Pakistan

Email Us

Call Us

+92 51 2726876